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Interdisciplinary Learning

Interdisciplinary Learning

Animal LapBook Research Project

Students were exposed to instruction in English Language Arts, Science, Writing, and Art through an animal research project. They researched their animal on the internet and organized the information into a science LapBook. The LapBook components  gave the students an opportunity to write their information in an organized fashion. They used  photographs of their animal as well as their own drawing to illustrate the project.
Lake Tobias Field Trip

Lake Tobias Field Trip

The students had a  blast learning about the animals and they were able to see the animals they researched up close. Many of them used the picture of themselves with their animal for their research project.

STEM Activities

Stem Activities

Integrating as much science, technology, engineering and mathematics as possible is my personal goal as an educator

Plant Adaptation Stations

Students observed Seed Germination - demonstrating the Life Cycle of a Plant

Make Predictions and draw conclusions about the function of plant stems by observing celery in dyed water.

Students utilized the iPads by scanning a QR code to discover a slide show presentation I prepared to help them research specific adaptations.

All research data and information collected during our stations is recorded in the students' interactive science notebooks.

Interactive Exercises

Interactive Exercises

I chose a seating plan for the students based on their academic and social performance after the first month of school. I carefully planned for optimal pairings to foster a positive collaborative learning experience. The students were then given the opportunity to become acquainted with their new team through a collaborative art project. They were instructed to agree on a team name and to decorate their table signs. We discussed the importance of team work to promote a classroom environment where the students feel safe and supported, while also learning coping skills during social interactions.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Boards

About Me: Bio poems. Students shared their poem with the class during the first week of school to help everyone get introduced and comfortable for the start of the school year.

Students observed Seed Germination - demonstrating Plant Life Cycle

Students observed Seed Germination - demonstrating Plant Life Cycle

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